
Are you stressed? Is your energy at an all-time low? Over 20 million Americans suffer from health problems linked to chronic stress. New statistics show that up to five percent of visits to health care professional are stress-related. Everyone is affected by varying degrees of stress. At best, stress causes useless fatigue; at worst, it is dangerous to health. Profound stress, such as that caused by job loss or the loss of a loved one, takes a serious physical toll. The human body is designed to handle acute, short-term stressful situations, even to thrive on some of them. You can never avoid all stress, but you can maintain a high degree of health necessary to handle and survive stress well.

Stress is managed by an output of stress hormones, DHEA, adrenaline, and cortisol, all produced by the adrenal glands. These hormones help maintain balance throughout the body by acting on other bodily systems. The adrenals control more than our stress hormones, so if they are not functioning at an optimal level, the body gets out of balance. Fluid balance, sleep, digestion, metabolism, sex hormone production, and blood sugars are all impacted by stress levels and adrenal health.

Common Symptoms

Four levels of stress symptoms:

  1. Losing interest in everything, eye-corner sagging, forehead creasing, becoming short-tempered, bored, nervous.
  2. Fatigue, anger, insomnia, paranoia, sadness.
  3. Chronic head and neck aches, high blood pressure, upset stomach
  4. Skin disorders, kidney malfunction, frequent infections, heart disease, weight gain or weight loss, hormonal dysfunction – PMS, PMDD

Common Causes

Chronic emotional or physical stress; lack of sleep; overuse of prescription drugs; work addiction; lack of rest; intake of tobacco, caffeine, drugs or alcohol; allergies; hypoglycemia; mineral depletion; environmental pollutants; unemployment or job pressure; marital, social problems.

Natural Treatment

A multifaceted approach is necessary to support stress management. The body is better able to cope with external stressors when it is strong and healthy. Specifically, the adrenal glands (your stress coping glands) are key to maintaining a balanced and resilient body. A low stress diet is prescribed (online or in person), which focuses on eating for function and keeping blood sugars stable to relieve internal stress. Sleep support via optimal nutrition and supplementation is included. Physical activity is recommended as part of the stress management plan for stress relief and to teach the body to better cope with future stress. If chronic stress has affected overall health, the ASI panel is recommended and treatment is specifically designed to support the adrenal glands.


Page L. Healthy Healing: A Guide to Self-Healing for Everyone Eleventh Edition. Traditional Wisdom, Inc; 2000.

Rister S. Healing Without Medication. Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc; 2003.

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