John Oster

I contacted EB Nutrition in July of 2008 seeking dietary guidance. Years of alcohol abuse had taken a toll on my health. In March of that year, I had begun a new life of sobriety. It was time to seek professional help, find out what was wrong, and see what could be done. The symptoms that I was aware of at the time included extreme fatigue after meals, digestive problems, trouble getting restorative sleep and feeling ‘run down’. I used to avoid eating during the day to prevent the overwhelming sleepiness that followed. Elizabeth told me I was one of the “walking wounded.” Nothing a medical doctor would specifically diagnose as a disease, yet much ‘dis-ease’ and great difficulty just functioning day to day.

Elizabeth met with me for 90 minutes and really took the time to listen to my story. She suspected I was suffering from adrenal fatigue and leaky gut syndrome. We did some lab testing and then I returned to discuss the results. Sure enough, my adrenals had been overworked from years of poor nutrition, constant stress, lack of quality sleep, alcohol abuse, and excessive caffeine. My cortisol and DHEA levels were very low. The GI panel revealed low pancreatic enzyme output and SIgA levels. We discussed a plan to work towards health that included diet, supplementation, and a regular sleep cycle. The plan was designed to enable my adrenals to recover, and to restore the integrity of my digestive system. EB maintains a supply of quality supplements from Pure that can be purchased right in the office, which I find very convenient. They are tested by an independent lab and are only available from health professionals. I live a good distance from EB, and as I need more, I just pick up the phone, and Kristin ships them to me in a matter of days.

We discussed eating habits, specifically the timing, amount, and composition (carbohydrates, protein, fat) of meals. I was provided with a detailed list of foods that I could use to create a healthy diet, that would nourish my adrenals and minimize GI distress. Fortunately for me, I love wholesome, healthy food, so this was an opportunity to recreate my diet in a way that would support my wellness. It was such a relief to be given all the tools necessary to tailor my own plan. I had numerous questions that came up over the course of the next few months. Elizabeth was always patient with me and addressed them thoroughly.

My health has been improving steadily since last July. We retested my adrenals recently, and they are recovering well. The cortisol and DHEA levels have increased significantly. More importantly than the lab results however, the quality of my life has improved drastically.

I am now able to enjoy foods that I had to previously avoid. I am also realizing I suffered from other symptoms I was just too sick to notice. A state of brain fog and irritability had been making my life unmanageable. Now I can complete things that I just did not have the energy or clarity of mind to accomplish a year ago. I am continuing to improve the regularity of my sleep (with adrenal support) and am working towards complete elimination of caffeine from my diet. I feel that EB is a key player in my own journey towards wellness. It’s exciting to think about how good I might feel in the near future!

About EB Nutrition
EB Nutrition was founded by Elizabeth Blumberg, RD, LDN, CPT in June of 2003. Elizabeth earned her degree in Clinical Nutrition and Food Science from Auburn University in 1996. For the past 20 years, she has been working in the Washington, D.C./Metro area as a registered dietitian, nutrition consultant, professional speaker, and fitness enthusiast. She has been featured on NBC4, named in Washingtonian Magazine as one of the top dietitians in the DC-metropolitan area, and featured in People Magazine.

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